The Monthly Blend

Posts tagged "Smoothies"

Mornings can be chaotic for a thousand different reasons. Maybe you overslept, or can't find your keys, or maybe your kids just told you that they need a batch of homemade cookies for the school bake sale happening that day! Whatever the reason, we have all experienced the feeling of being rushed in the morning.

Let's take a look at how smoothies can make your perfect breakfast.


As we transition from summer to fall it is important to maintain that healthy lifestyle and balanced routine to ensure that the only thing changing is the leaves on the trees! Although the days are getting progressively shorter, fall is the perfect season to get out and enjoy the nice weather while it's still here. 

At The Good Stuff, creators of Vancouver's first ready-to-blend smoothie, we love blending one up at home first thing in the morning but know when you're out and about, you don't always have a blender handy. So we're going beyond the kitchen to feature our 9 favourite places for a fresh blend. We even visited each one again, had a quick smoothie, and documented some of the important details about each one: