How To Do A Smoothie Cleanse (The Right Way)

How To Do A Smoothie Cleanse (The Right Way)

Cleanses can be hard. People complain about being starving, craving chewing, having low energy, and feeling nauseous. 

But it doesn't have to be this way.

When we created our green smoothie cleanse, we wanted to stay true to our value of making people feel great. So we worked with dietitians and nutritionists to compile the ultimate guide to doing it right.

We found that thriving during a smoothie cleanse comes down to three parts:

  1. How you plan
  2. How you eat
  3. How you live.

Let's go over each one.


Smoothie Cleanse

When starting your cleanse, there are a few things you can do to keep yourself on track:

  • Have your first smoothie at breakfast and then one every 2 hours after that.
  • If you can, pre-blend your smoothies for the day and put them in bottles. They’ll keep for a day or two, and if they separate just give them a shake.
  • If you can’t pre-blend, make sure you have a blender wherever you spend your time (office, home, or otherwise).
  • Prepare your diet beforehand. In the week before your cleanse, cut out as much fast food, packaged food, and caffeine as possible.


Cleanse Superfoods

  • Blend with liquids. The calorie counts on our labels are without liquid. Some of our favourite liquids to add are almond milk and mango juice.
  • Supplement with boosters. There are lots of things you can add to feel satisfied for longer. Some of our favourites are protein powder, chia seeds, and probiotic yogurt.
  • In the morning, start your day with water and a wedge of lime. This can help clean your digestive organs and stimulate your stomach.
  • Snack. If your energy is waning, have some extra fruits, nuts, or salad during the day. These raw foods are fair game!


Yoga On A Cleanse

  • Do yoga. It helps relax the body. Doing yoga while on a cleanse also cements you as a true Vancouverite. If yoga is not for you, stay active with a hike or jog around Stanley Park.
  • We don’t recommend drinking coffee while on the cleanse. For Joe-lovers, this can cause caffeine withdrawal headaches, which is normal. Try replacing it with tea.
  • Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  • When you’re done, don’t gorge yourself. Reintroduce solid foods gradually over a couple days to avoid cramps and constipation.
  • Find a cleanse buddy for maximum friendship support!

Although these tips are designed specifically for our Green Smoothie Cleanse, you'd benefit from following them on any smoothie cleanse, including those from meal kit services. See this review of Fresh Prep's meal kit service for more insight on the perfect routine.

What has your experience been? Any other pro tips for a great cleanse experience?